K Raheja Corp is one of India's driving designers having an example of overcoming adversity traversing forty years.
The arrangement of K Raheja Corp projects includes properties in private, business, retail, friendliness areas alongside making incorporated municipalities cum business regions.
Conference halls, lodgings, versatile office spaces are likewise evolved by it.
Green advancement is something that it unequivocally feels about, having marked a reminder with the CII Green Building Council. All activities are granted Platinum and Gold confirmations.
K Raheja Corp. is an example of overcoming adversity traversing forty years and stands today as one of India's driving designers.
From flawless homes to versatile working environments like Mindspace, ably made lodgings like Chalet and assembly halls to exceptional retail objections like Inorbit Mall, the K Raheja Corp. fundamentally affects the advancement of cutting edge living.
K Raheja Corp. conveys optimistic spaces with particular qualities and traits, making every one of its contributions special. The Company has additionally been on top of things in the green improvement area. Spearheading the ventures' obligation towards adding to a green society, it's anything but a reminder of comprehension with the CII-Green Building Council to develop green structures, back in 2007. Aside from its eco-accommodating developments, K Raheja Corp. is focused on growing huge, green territories the nation over. With its structures ensured in the classifications of Gold and Platinum, it has been perceived with grants across renowned gatherings.
Upheld by the conviction that 'individuals are an organization's most noteworthy resource and upper hand', K Raheja Corp. drives the way with model HR approaches, reasonably grouped from the best across ventures, to guarantee worker commitment and satisfaction.
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